PowerShell: How to remove shared folders

PowerShell: How to remove shared folders

In Windows environments, managing shared folders is a common task for system administrators. PowerShell provides powerful commands for this, including removing shared folders. This expanded tutorial covers various methods for listing and removing shared folders using PowerShell, along with additional considerations and best practices.

Starting with PowerShell

Open an Elevated PowerShell Session: Run PowerShell as an administrator to manage shared resources.

Listing Shared Folders

Using WMI to List Shares

List All Shares with WMI:
  1. Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share
This command lists all shared resources on the local computer, including their paths and descriptions.

Using SMB Cmdlet

List Shares with SMB Cmdlet:
  1. Get-SmbShare
This provides a list of SMB shares, a more modern approach compared to WMI.

Removing Shared Folders

Deleting a Specific SMB Share

Remove an SMB Share:
  1. Remove-SmbShare -Name "ShareName" -Force
Replace "ShareName" with the actual name of the share you want to remove. The -Force parameter is used to bypass confirmation prompts.

Deleting Multiple SMB Shares

Bulk Removal of Shares:
For removing multiple shares, you can use a loop or pipeline. For example:
  1. "Share1", "Share2", "Share3" | ForEach-Object { Remove-SmbShare -Name $_ -Force }
Replace "Share1", "Share2", "Share3" with the actual share names.

Advanced Management Techniques

Removing Shares Based on Criteria

Conditional Removal of Shares:
To remove shares based on specific criteria, such as all shares in a certain directory:
  1. Get-SmbShare | Where-Object { $_.Path -like "C:\SharedFolder\*" } | ForEach-Object { Remove-SmbShare -Name $_.Name -Force }

Handling Errors and Confirmations

Error Handling in Share Removal:
To handle potential errors during removal (such as trying to remove a non-existent share), wrap the command in a try-catch block:
  1. try { Remove-SmbShare -Name "NonExistentShare" -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch { Write-Host "Error: $_" }

Advanced Techniques for Listing Shared Folders

Enhanced Listing with Detailed Information

Get Detailed Information About Shares:
  1. Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share | Select-Object Name, Path, Description, Status
This command provides a comprehensive view of shared folders, including status details.

Filtering Specific Shares

List Shares Based on Specific Criteria:
  1. Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share | Where-Object { $_.Path -like 'C:\SpecificFolder\*' }
Use this to filter shares located in a specific directory.

Removing Shared Folders

Removing Shares by Path

Remove Shares Based on Their Path:
  1. Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Share | Where-Object { $_.Path -like 'C:\OldSharedFolder\*' } | ForEach-Object { $_.Delete() }
This removes all shares from a specified path.

Bulk Removal with Confirmation

Bulk Remove with Confirmation Prompt:
  1. Get-SmbShare | Out-GridView -PassThru | Remove-SmbShare -Force
This opens a GUI window allowing you to select multiple shares to delete.

Additional Management Tasks

Changing Share Permissions

Modify Permissions of a Share:
  1. $shareName = "ShareToModify" $newPermissions = "Domain\Username", "Full" Grant-SmbShareAccess -Name $shareName -AccountName $newPermissions[0] -AccessRight $newPermissions[1]
Replace "Domain\Username" and "Full" with the desired account and permission level.

Creating New Shares

Create a New Share:
  1. New-SmbShare -Name "NewShare" -Path "C:\NewSharedFolder" -FullAccess "Everyone"
This creates a new share with full access permissions for everyone.

Restoring Deleted Shares

Backup and Restore Share Configurations:
Backup shares:
  1. Get-SmbShare | Export-Clixml -Path "C:\Backup\SmbSharesBackup.xml"
Restore shares:
  1. Import-Clixml -Path "C:\Backup\SmbSharesBackup.xml" | ForEach-Object { New-SmbShare -Name $_.Name -Path $_.Path }

Monitoring Share Usage

Monitor Active Connections to a Share:
  1. Get-SmbSession | Where-Object { $_.Shares -like '*ShareName*' }
Replace 'ShareName' with the name of the share you want to monitor.

Best Practices and Considerations

  1. Audit Before Removal: Before removing shares, ensure they are not in active use. Removing a share in use can disrupt business operations.
  2. Backup Share Configurations: Consider exporting share configurations before removal. This can be helpful for documentation or if a share needs to be recreated.
  3. Update Documentation: After making changes, update your network documentation to reflect the current state of shared resources.
  4. Permissions Review: Regularly review the permissions of your shares to ensure they adhere to the principle of least privilege.


Through PowerShell, you have access to a powerful suite of tools for managing shared folders, offering flexibility and precision. Whether you're creating, modifying, or removing shares, PowerShell streamlines these processes, enhancing your efficiency as a system administrator. Regular reviews and updates to your shared folder configurations will ensure that your network remains organized, efficient, and secure.