How to grant GenericWrite permission to a domain user object using PowerShell

How to grant GenericWrite permission to a domain user object using PowerShell

Managing permissions in Active Directory is a critical aspect of system administration, allowing you to control who can access, modify, and perform actions on various objects. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore how to add the GenericWrite permission to a domain user object using PowerShell. We'll provide step-by-step instructions, advanced techniques, practical use cases, and PowerShell scripts to help system administrators master this essential Active Directory task.

Why Add GenericWrite Permission?

The GenericWrite permission is a special permission in Active Directory that grants the right to write to certain properties of an object. It allows you to control and customize which attributes a user can modify for a specific object. Adding GenericWrite permission can be useful for various scenarios:

  1. Custom Access Control: Tailor permissions to meet specific business requirements by allowing users to modify only certain attributes of an object.
  2. Delegation: Delegate administrative tasks more granularly by giving users control over specific properties without granting full access to an object.
  3. Security Compliance: Ensure that user modifications to critical attributes are logged and audited for compliance purposes.


Before we begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. PowerShell: PowerShell is available on modern Windows systems. Ensure you have at least PowerShell 3.0 or higher, which provides cmdlets for Active Directory operations.
  2. Active Directory Module: Import the Active Directory module using the following command:powershellCopy codeImport-Module ActiveDirectory
  3. Domain Administrator Privileges: To perform certain Active Directory operations, you need domain administrator or equivalent privileges.

Adding GenericWrite Permission

1. Identify the Target User Object

Before adding GenericWrite permission, identify the target user object in Active Directory. You will need the object's distinguished name (DN) or samAccountName for the following steps.

2. Define the GenericWrite Permission

In Active Directory, the GenericWrite permission corresponds to a specific access right. To grant GenericWrite permission to a user object, we need to create an Access Control Entry (ACE) for that user.

The following PowerShell script creates an ACE with GenericWrite permission:

  1. # Define the target user's DN or samAccountName
  2. $userDN = "CN=John Doe,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com"

  3. # Define the GenericWrite permission as an access rule
  4. $genericWritePermission = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::WriteProperty -bor [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::WritePropertyExtended

  5. # Create an ACE for the user with GenericWrite permission
  6. $ace = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryAccessRule `
  7. -ArgumentList $userDN, $genericWritePermission, "Allow"

In this script:

  • Replace $userDN with the DN or samAccountName of the target user.
  • $genericWritePermission defines the GenericWrite permission as a combination of WriteProperty and WritePropertyExtended rights.
  • $ace represents the ACE that grants GenericWrite permission to the user.

3. Apply the ACE to the User Object

Now that we have defined the GenericWrite permission as an ACE, we need to apply it to the target user object using the Set-Acl cmdlet. Here's the script to do that:

  1. # Get the security descriptor of the target user object
  2. $objectSecurity = Get-Acl -Path "AD:\$userDN"

  3. # Add the ACE to the security descriptor
  4. $objectSecurity.AddAccessRule($ace)

  5. # Apply the modified security descriptor to the user object
  6. Set-Acl -Path "AD:\$userDN" -AclObject $objectSecurity

In this script:

  • $objectSecurity retrieves the current security descriptor of the user object.
  • $objectSecurity.AddAccessRule($ace) adds the GenericWrite permission ACE to the security descriptor.
  • Set-Acl applies the modified security descriptor to the user object.

Advanced Techniques

1. Check Existing Permissions

Before adding GenericWrite permission, you can check the existing permissions on the user object. Use the Get-Acl cmdlet to view the current security descriptor:

  1. $objectSecurity = Get-Acl -Path "AD:\$userDN"
  2. $objectSecurity.Access

This allows you to assess the current permissions and ensure that you are not inadvertently modifying existing settings.

2. Remove GenericWrite Permission

To remove the GenericWrite permission from a user object, you can use the RemoveAccessRule method. Here's an example:

  1. # Remove the GenericWrite permission ACE from the security descriptor
  2. $objectSecurity.RemoveAccessRule($ace)

  3. # Apply the modified security descriptor to the user object
  4. Set-Acl -Path "AD:\$userDN" -AclObject $objectSecurity

This script removes the GenericWrite permission ACE and updates the user object's security descriptor.

Practical Use Cases

Use Case 1: Custom Attributes

Granting GenericWrite permission on specific attributes allows users to update custom attributes associated with their accounts without providing full administrative access.

Use Case 2: Help Desk Delegation

Delegate permission to help desk personnel to modify certain user properties, such as phone numbers or office locations, without giving them full control over user accounts.

Security and Best Practices

When adding GenericWrite permission to a user object, consider the following security and best practices:

  1. Least Privilege: Only grant GenericWrite permission to users who need it for specific tasks.
  2. Documentation: Maintain documentation of permissions changes, including who was granted GenericWrite permission and the reason for the change.
  3. Regular Auditing: Perform regular audits of permissions to ensure compliance with security policies.
  4. Testing: Test permission changes in a controlled environment before applying them in production.


Adding GenericWrite permission to a domain user object in Active Directory using PowerShell is a valuable skill for system administrators. It allows for fine-grained control over attribute modification, delegation of specific tasks, and enhanced security. With the knowledge and techniques outlined in this guide, you can confidently manage permissions in Active Directory and tailor access to meet your organization's specific needs.

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