How to Create a Process Using WMI and PowerShell

How to Create a Process Using WMI and PowerShell


Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) is a core Windows management technology; you can use it to manage both local and remote computers. PowerShell, a powerful scripting environment and command-line shell, can interact with WMI to automate a wide range of administrative tasks, including process management. This article will guide you through creating a process using WMI and PowerShell, offering both basic and advanced use cases.


  1. A Windows-based computer with PowerShell installed.
  2. Basic familiarity with PowerShell syntax and cmdlets.
  3. Administrative access to the system for certain operations.

Step 1: Understanding WMI

WMI is a framework for managing data and operations on Windows-based operating systems. You can access information about the operating system, devices, user accounts, and more. WMI is accessible through various programming languages and scripts, including PowerShell.

Step 2: Launching PowerShell

To start, open PowerShell with administrative privileges:
  1. Click the Start Menu.
  2. Search for PowerShell.
  3. Right-click on Windows PowerShell and select 'Run as administrator'.

Step 3: Getting Familiar with WMI Cmdlets

PowerShell provides several cmdlets to interact with WMI, such as Get-WmiObject. To view WMI-related cmdlets:
  1. Get-Command -Noun Wmi*
This command lists cmdlets like Get-WmiObject, Invoke-WmiMethod, etc.

Step 4: Creating a New Process

To create a new process (e.g., starting Notepad), you can use the Invoke-WmiMethod cmdlet:
  1. $processStart = (Get-WmiObject Win32_ProcessMethod -Filter "name = 'Win32_Process'").Methods['Create'] Invoke-WmiMethod -Name Create -ArgumentList "notepad.exe" -Path $processStart.psBase.Path
This script does the following:
  1. Retrieves the Win32_Process WMI class, which represents processes.
  2. Invokes the Create method to start Notepad.

Step 5: Verifying Process Creation

Check if Notepad is running:
  1. Get-Process | Where-Object {$_.ProcessName -eq 'notepad'}

Advanced Use Cases

Creating Processes with Specific Parameters:

To start a process with arguments, modify the command line in the ArgumentList parameter.
  1. Invoke-WmiMethod -Name Create -ArgumentList "cmd.exe /c 'Your Command Here'" -Path $processStart.psBase.Path

Managing Remote Processes:

You can create processes on remote machines by specifying the -ComputerName parameter.
  1. Invoke-WmiMethod -Name Create -ArgumentList "notepad.exe" -Path $processStart.psBase.Path -ComputerName 'RemotePCName'
Ensure you have the necessary permissions and network access.

Querying Process Information:

Use Get-WmiObject to retrieve information about running processes.
  1. Get-WmiObject Win32_Process | Select-Object Name, ProcessId, CommandLine

Best Practices

  1. Exercise caution with administrative privileges.
  2. Test scripts in a safe environment before applying them to production.
  3. Keep security in mind, especially when managing processes on remote systems.


WMI and PowerShell form a powerful duo for managing Windows environments. Creating processes is just one example of their capabilities. With these tools, system administrators can automate complex tasks, streamline their workflow, and efficiently manage systems.

PowerShell community resources and forums for real-world scripts and advice.
Through consistent practice and exploration of WMI and PowerShell, administrators can unlock a higher level of system management efficiency. Remember, the key to mastery is continuous learning and experimentation.

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