Get AD Nested Group Membership with PowerShell
Active Directory supports the feature of nesting groups inside one another. For example, consider two groups: GroupHR and GroupFinance. GroupFinance can be a member of GroupHR. If I assign GroupHR write permissions to FolderPayroll, then the members of GroupFinance also have write access to FolderPayroll.
Administrators have utilized nested groups to assign users access in a dynamic fashion. However, auditing such nested groups using native tools can prove to be tricky. This is because, Microsoft doesn't natively support recursive group member search. This is where PowerShell scripts come into picture.
The Get-ADGroupMember cmdlet can be used to return lists of group members. If administrators want to see the members of a group, use the following code:
C:\> Get-ADGroupMember GroupName | select Name, objectclass
This returns the list of group members and any nested groups inside the queried group. The cmdlet also supports recursive lookups, which returns users from any nested groups within the group. The code for recursive search is as follows:
C:\> Get-ADGroupMember GroupName -recursive | select Name, objectclass
If you choose to have a CSV file that lists the member groups of every single group in your domain you can make use of the following PowerShell command:
- $Report = @()
- $GroupCollection = Get-ADGroup -Filter * | select Name, MemberOf, ObjectClass, SAMAccountName
- Foreach ($Group in $GroupCollection) {
- $MemberGroup = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group.SAMAccountName | where {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'group'}
- $MemberGroups = ($MemberGroup.Name) -join "`r`n"
- if ($MemberGroups -ne "") {
- $Out = [PSCustomObject]@{
- 'Group Name' = $Group.Name
- 'Member Groups' = $MemberGroups
- }
- $Report += $Out
- }
- }
- $Report | Sort-Object 'Group Name' | Format-Table -AutoSize
$Report | Sort-Object 'Group Name' | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Group-MemberGroups-Report.csv' -NoTypeInformation
This will output a CSV fill with the queried data. Native Active Directory Users and Computers console might not support recursive search functionality, however, as demonstrated above, these limitation can be overcome by a short PowerShell cmdlet.
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