25. PowerShell Experimental features

25. PowerShell Experimental features

I. Introduction

In this section, we will provide a brief explanation of experimental features in PowerShell 7, discuss their importance and purpose, and provide an overview of the three commands used to work with these features.

A. Brief explanation of experimental features in PowerShell 7

PowerShell 7 introduces experimental features, which offer a way to access new functionality that is not yet considered mainstream or fully supported. These features provide users with the opportunity to experiment with cutting-edge capabilities before they are officially released.

B. Importance and purpose of experimental features

Experimental features play a crucial role in PowerShell's development process. They allow Microsoft and the PowerShell community to gather feedback, test new ideas, and refine features based on real-world usage scenarios. By enabling users to try out these features, PowerShell can benefit from valuable insights and ensure that the final version meets the needs of its users.

C. Overview of the three commands for working with experimental features

To facilitate the management of experimental features, PowerShell 7 provides three commands:

  1. Enable-ExperimentalFeature: This command is used to enable a specific experimental feature. Once enabled, the feature becomes accessible for use within PowerShell.

  2. Disable-ExperimentalFeature: This command allows users to disable an enabled experimental feature. Disabling a feature reverts it to its inactive state, ensuring it is no longer available for use.

  3. Get-ExperimentalFeature: This command provides information about the available experimental features in the current version of PowerShell. It allows users to view a list of features, their current enabled status, and their source.

These commands empower users to explore and utilize experimental features according to their specific needs and interests. The combination of enabling, disabling, and retrieving information about these features provides a flexible framework for working with PowerShell's experimental capabilities.

By leveraging these commands, users can take advantage of the experimental features that PowerShell 7 offers and contribute to the improvement of future PowerShell releases.

Next, we will delve deeper into the usage of the Get-ExperimentalFeature command and explore the available experimental features in PowerShell 7.


II. Using Get-ExperimentalFeature

A. Introduction to Get-ExperimentalFeature command

The Get-ExperimentalFeature command is a powerful tool for advanced administrators to retrieve detailed information about the available experimental features in PowerShell 7. It provides a comprehensive overview of the experimental features that can be utilized for testing and evaluation purposes.

B. Listing available experimental features

To obtain a list of available experimental features, execute the following command in a PowerShell console:


The command will display a table with columns representing the name, enabled status, and source of each experimental feature. This information allows administrators to identify the experimental features that are currently accessible for experimentation. For example:

Name                                Enabled Source

----                                ------- ------
PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion          False   PSEngine
PSImplicitRemotingBatching           False   PSEngine
PSNullConditionalOperators          False   PSEngine
Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility.PSMan… False   C:\program files\powershell\...
PSDesiredStateConfiguration.Invoke… False   C:\program files\powershell\...

C. Displaying feature descriptions using Format-Table

To gain a deeper understanding of each experimental feature and its functionality, utilize the Format-Table command to display the feature descriptions alongside their names. Execute the following command:

Get-ExperimentalFeature | Format-Table Name, Description -Wrap

This command will present a formatted table showing the names and descriptions of the experimental features. The -Wrap parameter ensures that long descriptions are displayed in a readable format.

D. Compatibility considerations based on PowerShell version

Keep in mind that the availability of experimental features may vary depending on the version of PowerShell installed on your system. The Get-ExperimentalFeature command displays the features specific to the PowerShell version you are running. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the documentation or release notes for each PowerShell version to determine the exact set of experimental features available.

Next, let's delve into enabling experimental features in PowerShell 7.

III. Enabling Experimental Features

A. Introduction to Enable-ExperimentalFeature command

The Enable-ExperimentalFeature command empowers administrators to activate specific experimental features, granting them access to cutting-edge functionality within PowerShell.

B. Enabling a specific experimental feature

To enable a particular experimental feature, use the following command:

Enable-ExperimentalFeature -Name <FeatureName>

Replace <FeatureName> with the name of the experimental feature you wish to enable. For instance, to enable the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature, execute the following command:

Enable-ExperimentalFeature -Name PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion

Once executed, the feature becomes enabled and is ready for utilization.

C. Example of enabling the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature

Consider an example where you want to enable the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature, which provides command name suggestions when a user misspells a command in the PowerShell console.

  1. Launch a PowerShell console.

  2. Execute the following command to enable the feature:

  3. powershellCopy code

  4. Enable-ExperimentalFeature -Name PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion

  5. The PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature is now enabled, and PowerShell will suggest command names when a misspelled command is entered.

D. Restarting PowerShell to apply enabled features

Keep in mind that certain experimental features may require a restart of PowerShell for the changes to take effect. If prompted to restart after enabling a feature, close and reopen your PowerShell console to ensure the feature becomes active.

By following these instructions, you can effectively utilize the Get-ExperimentalFeature command to retrieve information about experimental features, enable specific features, and harness their capabilities within PowerShell 7.

IV. Working with Enabled Experimental Features

A. Understanding the impact of enabled experimental features

Enabling experimental features in PowerShell 7 introduces new functionality that is not yet considered mainstream or fully supported. As an advanced administrator, it is important to be aware of the potential impact of enabling these features. While experimental features undergo testing and refinement, they may still contain bugs, exhibit unexpected behavior, or undergo significant changes before being stabilized. It is crucial to exercise caution when utilizing enabled experimental features in production environments and thoroughly evaluate their behavior in testing scenarios.

B. Example of PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion in action

Let's explore the practical application of an enabled experimental feature, specifically the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature. This feature suggests possible command names when a user misspells a command in the PowerShell console. Here's an example scenario:

  1. Open a PowerShell console.

  2. Execute the following command to enable the feature:

  3. powershellCopy code

  4. Enable-ExperimentalFeature -Name PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion

  5. The PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature is now enabled.

  6. Attempt to execute a misspelled command, such as:

  7. powershellCopy code

  8. Get-Procss

  9. PowerShell will display an error message indicating that the command is not recognized and suggest similar commands, like:

  10. vbnetCopy code

  11. Get-Procss: The term 'Get-Procss' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.

    Suggestion [4,General]: The most similar commands are: Get-Process, Wait-Process, Get-Host, Get-DbaProcess.

This example showcases how the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature can assist users by providing helpful suggestions for correct command names.

C. Benefits and potential use cases of experimental features

Experimental features offer advanced administrators the opportunity to explore and evaluate cutting-edge functionality within PowerShell. They can be beneficial in several ways:

  • Early adoption of upcoming features: By enabling experimental features, administrators can get a head start on understanding and leveraging new capabilities before they become fully supported features.

  • Feedback and testing: Engaging with experimental features allows administrators to provide valuable feedback to Microsoft and the PowerShell community. This feedback helps shape the features, identify bugs, and suggest improvements.

  • Evaluation for future implementations: By experimenting with experimental features, administrators can assess their potential use cases, benefits, and limitations in their specific environments, assisting in decision-making for future PowerShell implementations.

With a cautious approach and thorough testing, administrators can leverage experimental features to gain insights and contribute to the advancement of PowerShell.

V. Disabling Experimental Features

A. Introduction to Disable-ExperimentalFeature command

The Disable-ExperimentalFeature command provides administrators with the ability to deactivate an enabled experimental feature, reverting it to an inactive state. Disabling a feature ensures it is no longer available for use within PowerShell.

B. Disabling an enabled experimental feature

To disable an enabled experimental feature, use the following command:

Disable-ExperimentalFeature -Name <FeatureName>

Replace <FeatureName> with the name of the experimental feature you wish to disable. For example, to disable the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature, execute the following command:

Disable-ExperimentalFeature -Name PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion

Once executed, the feature will be disabled and no longer accessible.

C. Example of disabling the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature

Continuing from the previous example, let's consider disabling the PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature:

  1. Open a PowerShell console.

  2. Execute the following command to disable the feature:

  3. Disable-ExperimentalFeature -Name PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion

  4. The PSCommandNotFoundSuggestion feature is now disabled, and PowerShell will no longer provide command suggestions for misspelled commands.

It's important to note that disabling an experimental feature does not uninstall or remove it from the PowerShell installation. It simply prevents the feature from being utilized until explicitly re-enabled.

VI. Future of Experimental Features

A. Historical perspective on experimental features becoming permanent

Throughout PowerShell's development, many experimental features have transitioned from being experimental to becoming permanent features. Microsoft and the PowerShell community carefully evaluate the feedback and usage of experimental features to determine their viability and integration into the core PowerShell feature set. This evolution ensures that PowerShell continues to grow and adapt to the needs of administrators.

B. Possibilities and considerations for experimental features in PowerShell

As PowerShell continues to evolve, experimental features will play a vital role in introducing innovative functionality and gathering feedback. Administrators should consider the following when working with experimental features:

  • Stay updated: Regularly check for new PowerShell versions to explore the latest experimental features available.

  • Documentation and release notes: Refer to the official documentation and release notes for each PowerShell version to understand the specific experimental features and any associated changes.

  • Test environments: Utilize separate testing environments to evaluate experimental features before considering their implementation in production environments.

  • Community engagement: Engage with the PowerShell community, participate in discussions, and provide feedback to contribute to the improvement and stabilization of experimental features.

VII. Conclusion

A. Recap of the importance and usage of experimental features in PowerShell 7

In conclusion, experimental features in PowerShell 7 provide advanced administrators with the opportunity to explore new functionality, contribute to its development, and evaluate its potential application within their environments. By leveraging commands like Get-ExperimentalFeature, Enable-ExperimentalFeature, and Disable-ExperimentalFeature, administrators can discover, enable, disable, and assess experimental features to enhance their PowerShell experience.

B. Encouragement to explore and experiment with available features

As an advanced administrator, I encourage you to dive into the realm of experimental features, test them in controlled environments, and provide valuable feedback to Microsoft and the PowerShell community. Your involvement can influence the evolution of PowerShell and help shape its future.

C. Final thoughts on the evolving nature of PowerShell's feature set

Remember that PowerShell's feature set is ever-evolving, and experimental features are a testament to its continuous improvement. Embrace the opportunities they offer, but always exercise caution and thorough testing to ensure compatibility and stability within your infrastructure.

By understanding, utilizing, and engaging with experimental features, advanced administrators can push the boundaries of PowerShell's capabilities and contribute to its ongoing development.


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