14. PowerShell WhatIf and WhatIfPreference

14. PowerShell WhatIf and WhatIfPreference


PowerShell, a powerful scripting language for Windows environments, offers advanced features to enhance command testing and execution. Among these features are "WhatIf" and "WhatIfPreference," which enable administrators to simulate and verify the impact of commands without making any actual changes. In this article, we will explore the concept of WhatIf and WhatIfPreference in PowerShell, delve into their functionalities, and highlight their significance in the context of identity and access management.

WhatIs WhatIf and WhatIfPreference?

WhatIf serves as a parameter that facilitates safe command testing. When utilized appropriately by command authors, WhatIf allows the execution of potentially state-changing commands in a simulated environment, preventing any actual modifications. By default, the WhatIf parameter is set to false.

WhatIfPreference, on the other hand, is an associated preference variable that determines the behavior of the WhatIf parameter. This variable can be set to either true or false, with the default value being false. It affects all commands that support the WhatIf parameter, providing administrators with customization options.

Using WhatIf to Preview Command Actions

The primary purpose of the WhatIf parameter is to replace the confirmation prompt with a descriptive statement that outlines the action a command would perform. By previewing the potential changes, administrators can assess the impact before executing the command. For instance, consider the following example involving the Remove-Item command:

Set-Location $env:TEMP
New-Item -Path .\FileName.txt -Force
Remove-Item -Path .\FileName.txt -WhatIf

When running these commands, the WhatIf statement will be displayed, presenting the action that would have been executed:

What if: Performing the operation "Remove File"on target "C:\Users\whoami\AppData\Local\Temp\FileName.txt".

This capability allows administrators to verify the outcomes of commands and make informed decisions.

WhatIf and Confirm: Precedence and Interaction

In scenarios where both the Confirm and WhatIf parameters are used together, WhatIf takes precedence. While WhatIf messages are shown, confirmation prompts are bypassed. This ensures a seamless testing experience without unnecessary interruptions during command execution.

Furthermore, the WhatIf parameter can be explicitly set on a per-command basis by supplying a value similar to the Confirm parameter. This explicit setting allows the execution of specific commands even if other state-changing commands are ignored. For example:

'Some message' | Out-File -Path $env:TEMP\test.txt -WhatIf:$false

In this case, the WhatIf parameter is explicitly set to false, enabling the command to execute while other changes are suppressed.

Customizing WhatIf Behavior with WhatIfPreference

The WhatIfPreference variable empowers administrators to customize the behavior of the WhatIf parameter across all commands that support it. By setting the WhatIfPreference variable, administrators can consistently activate the WhatIf functionality without explicitly specifying the parameter in each command. For example:

$WhatIfPreference = $true

By adjusting this preference, administrators can ensure that WhatIf is consistently active and influential in their PowerShell environment.

Moreover, the WhatIfPreference variable takes precedence over the Confirm parameter. This means that even if Confirm is specified in a command, the WhatIf dialog will be displayed, indicating the action that would have been performed, while the Confirm prompt remains hidden. Consider the following example:

$WhatIfPreference = $true
New-Item -Path .\NewFile.txt -Confirm

In this case, the WhatIf dialog will be shown, providing insight into the action that would have been taken, while the Confirm prompt is omitted.


Use Cases in Identity and Access Management

In the context of identity and access management (IAM), WhatIf and WhatIfPreference offer significant advantages to administrators. Here are a few additional use cases where these features can be particularly beneficial:
  1. Access Policy Evaluation: When modifying access policies, administrators can leverage WhatIf to evaluate the impact of policy changes on user permissions. By simulating the command with the WhatIf parameter, administrators can identify any unintended consequences and ensure that access policies are properly configured before implementation. For example:

Set-AzADUser -UserPrincipalName user@example.com -RemoveMemberOf 'Group A' -WhatIf

This command simulates the removal of the user 'user@example.com' from 'Group A' without actually making the change.


  1. User Role Assignment: When assigning roles to users, especially in complex RBAC environments, administrators can utilize WhatIf to verify the resulting permissions. By previewing the changes, administrators can ensure that the assigned roles align with the intended access privileges, mitigating the risk of granting excessive or inappropriate permissions. For example:

Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId 'Group A' -RefObjectId 'User A' -WhatIf

This command simulates adding 'User A' to 'Group A' without actually making the change.


  1. Group Membership Modification: When modifying group memberships, particularly in scenarios involving sensitive resources or privileged groups, administrators can use WhatIf to validate the changes before executing the command. This enables them to review the potential impact on user access rights and ensure the integrity of security configurations. For example:

Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Group A' -Members 'User A' -WhatIf

This command simulates adding 'User A' to 'Group A' without actually making the change.


  1. Resource Cleanup Operations: When performing cleanup operations on resources, such as deleting users or disabling accounts, administrators can leverage WhatIf to preview the consequences. By simulating the command execution, they can verify the removal or disabling of resources without actually making the changes, minimizing the risk of accidental deletions. For example:

Disable-ADAccount -Identity 'User A' -WhatIf

This command simulates disabling 'User A' without actually disabling the account.


  1. Permission Modification: When making changes to permissions for specific resources or objects, administrators can use WhatIf to preview the impact on access control. By simulating the command, they can ensure that the permissions are applied correctly without unintended consequences. For example:

Set-MailboxPermission -Identity 'User A' -AccessRights 'FullAccess' -User 'User B' -WhatIf

This command simulates granting 'User B' full access to 'User A's mailbox without actually making the change.


  1. Configuration Updates: When updating configurations that affect user access or system behavior, administrators can utilize WhatIf to validate the changes before applying them. This allows them to assess the potential impact and ensure that the desired configuration is achieved. For example:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -WhatIf

This command simulates changing the execution policy to RemoteSigned without actually modifying the current execution policy.


Restoring Default Preferences

To restore the preference variables to their default values, administrators can simply restart the PowerShell console. This ensures a clean state and consistent behavior when utilizing WhatIf and other preference variables.


By incorporating WhatIf and WhatIfPreference into these use cases, administrators can perform thorough testing, prevent accidental changes, and ensure the integrity and security of their IAM processes. These features provide a powerful mechanism for administrators to make informed decisions, minimize risks, and maintain a robust access management system.




WhatIf and WhatIfPreference are powerful tools in PowerShell that empower administrators to conduct safe command testing and customization. By utilizing WhatIf to preview command actions and adjusting the behavior with WhatIfPreference, administrators can confidently make informed decisions and prevent unintended consequences. In the realm of identity and access management, these features offer enhanced control and accuracy, enabling administrators to optimize their PowerShell workflows and maintain secure environments. With the ability to simulate commands and evaluate their impact, administrators can ensure the integrity of their IAM processes and safeguard the access rights of users and resources.


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