PowerShell: Get Service Status

Determine service status and start or stop them

Get service status and start or stop a service based on feedback received.


This script can be used to start a service or stop a service.
This script can be used to start a service or stop a service.
C:\PS> C:\Script\Start_and_Stop_service.ps1
Lists all running and stopped services in local machine.
Enter option 1 to Start a service.
Enter option 2 to Stop a service.

Get-Service | sort status,name
$input=read-host “1.Start a Service 2.Stop a Service ”
if ( $input -eq 1 )
$nam = read-host “Service Name to be Started ”
$a = gwmi win32_service | ? {$_.name -eq $nam}
$a = gwmi win32_service | ? {$_.name -eq $nam}
if ( $input -eq 2 )
$nam = read-host “Service Name to be Stopped ”
$a = gwmi win32_service | ? {$_.name -eq $nam}
$a = gwmi win32_service | ? {$_.name -eq $nam}
echo “Invalid Input”


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